Meet Dr. Brady Okuda

dr okuda circle

Dr. Brady C. Okuda was born and raised in Las Vegas. He graduated from Chaparral High School and then received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Between his college years, he served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the Japan Sapporo Mission. In 2009, he began his dental training at the University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine, receiving a Military Healthcare Professional Scholarship, and graduating in 2013.

Children's orthodontic mouthguard

Guide to Orthodontics Treatment: How to Protect Your Child’s Smile During Sports

As a parent, ensuring your child’s safety during sports activities is a top priority. While…
retainer for teeth

3 Types of Retainers That Create a Lasting Smile After Braces

Even if you’ve been to the orthodontist, you may not know much about the unsung…
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Four Benefits of Going to the Orthodontist

At Okuda Orthodontics in Henderson, Nevada, we understand the importance of achieving a healthy and…
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Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment: The Benefits of Early Intervention
4 Benefits of Getting the Perfect Smile as an Adult
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Choosing the Right Orthodontist: Why Okuda Orthodontics Stands Out
4 Reasons to Choose Invisalign for Straighter Teeth Featured Image
4 Reasons to Choose Invisalign® for Straighter Teeth
4 Benefits of Getting Braces as a Kid Featured Image
4 Benefits of Getting Braces as a Kid
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Okuda Orthodontics’ Guide to Navigating Life with Braces